Chapter 4 - dreams come true

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We have decided to move to Munich because my brother lived there since a long time and because I got a very good job there. The decision to live in Munich has been beneficial in many ways, job wise, family wise and last but not least because of music. Not only does my brother play in the quite famous Irish folk band Ceolan for which I do the live mixing since 1998, but I also could meet Till again. Till is old friend and mentor from the early days of my musical career.

I made face to face contact with Till in the Summer of 1983 when he was on his way to Switzerland and stopped by for a few days days at my parent’s house. The whole band was delighted to play with Till in our rehearsal room which was located in the house of our drummer Stefan Geib. We had a great time jamming. But it wasn’t until 1986 when I managed to visit Till for the first time at his home in Icking. In his “Lupoturm Studio” we recorded the first version of my song “Hang On” which is about hanging on to your dreams until they come true. This song has been digitally remixed and made it onto my CD "Dreams come true" as a bonus track.

A few months after we moved to Munich, Till also decided to move from Icking to the “big town” and by accident found a house just 5 minutes away from the place where we lived. Till and I have worked on my Album from 1999 to 2000. It contains only tunes which are very special to me, because I have either played them with my bands when I was young or I have written them myself.

Here are some snippets from the CD-Inlay

I am especially proud that some former “UNIT” members also made guest appearances on this album. Udo Klünsch did the vocals and the great blues harp on “Texas”. The piano and the Hammond solos on “House of the rising sun” have been played by Peter Kunert, and of course all guitars and most of the basses have been played by Till.

Other musicians who have given me the pleasure of working with them on the project are Mick Dörle who played the drums on “Green Onions” and Dieter Fischer laying the drums on “Come Back Again”, “Texas” and “Solsbury Hill”.

“The Marmelade Song” is a very different piece which was written as a children song by my brother Edi. Till had the idea to take the original material and make a funk-rap version out of it, we had a lot of fun doing it, and even Edi liked this version – he contributed banjo, acoustic guitar and bouzouki.

Till also contributed his ideas and keyboard skills to Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” and Tobias Fleischer played the marvellous bass.

As different as the songs are, they have many things in common: A solid Hammond organ, Moog synthesizer sounds, great guitars and the passion we put into making it all sound right.

A proverb says that if you long for something and you really hang on to your dream, you will get it one day. My wish of recording some music with Till has finally come true, although it took twelve years before it then rather suddenly happened.

I hope you have as much fun listening to this album as we had creating it, and don’t forget – always hang on to your dreams !

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